Rules & Restrictions for Multi-story, Covered, and Freestanding Structures

Two-story and covered structures are permitted within the facility only with prior review and approval by the Moscone Fire Marshal. Freestanding structures are permitted with approval by the Event Manager. Depending on the amount of covered space a Fire Watch may be required. Plans for two-story, covered, and freestanding booth elements may be submitted directly to the Event Manager for that event. 

Two story and covered structures are not permitted in Moscone West Lobbies at any time.

The following requirements must be met for two-story and covered booth structures:

  • May not be in areas with less than 24' of ceiling height.
  • Must be noted on floorplans submitted by Licensee
  • Detailed plans for each area must be submitted for Fire Marshal approval
    • Plans must be stamped certified by a licensed professional engineer before they are submitted. Plans submitted without this stamp will not be reviewed.
    • If the occupancy load on either story is nine persons or less one exit/stair is sufficient. If occupancy load is more than 9 persons, two means of exiting are required for that level. (Section 10 of the California Fire Code)
  • All areas under multi-level or covered booths must be equipped with a UL approved, battery operated smoke detector attached to the ceiling or under the second story.
  • A 2A10BC fire extinguisher is required on each level and must be easily available. (i.e. not behind a locked door)

The following requirements must be met for any freestanding structure 12’ or greater in height:

  • Any freestanding element in excess of 12' in height must either be accompanied by an engineer-stamped drawing or be secured to rig points.
  • Drape lines 16' or higher must be secured to rig points.

 Strict adherence to the Fire Marshal-approved plans must be maintained for all designated areas of use. Unapproved variations to such plans will require immediate dismantling. The Moscone Center reserves the right to dismantle, rearrange, or remove any previously approved features if a threat to life safety, egress, or general traffic flow is perceived on-site.